Saturday, July 17, 2010

Creative Enough??

Flying Saucers

recent  invention One of Dr. Paul Moller's recent inventions is a two-seat flying saucer that can reach speeds of 75 miles an hour.

The M200G "personal recreation craft" is a vertical-takeoff-and-landing aircraft (VTOL).

It uses a propulsion system to lift and stabilize itself in the air. There are eight small directional ducted fans each powered by a rotary engine.

Using multiple inertial sensors and accelerometers, a computer monitors and adjusts thrust in each fan as often as 400 times per second to maintain stability and flight.

The craft is limited to flying below 10 feet to eliminate the need for pilot certification.


Mind Mapping by Stephen Pierce

Not Bad - Interesting Site

“Inspired by MoGraph’s new MoDynamics and the excellent possibilities offered by CINEMA 4D’s XPresso and C.O.F.F.E.E. for creating complex setups we created the film ‘No Key-frames’, which is based entirely on automated setups. Each scene represents a specific functionality, which in itself generates interesting effects. The film shows spheres as they travel through various environments, interacting with elements in these environments and causing different reactions in each of them. Contrary to the approach taken in classic key-frame animation it was important to us to create self-sustaining models whose behavior was controlled by the rules of physics, similar to a real-world physical environment. The results often surprised even us. This film includes a wide spectrum of CINEMA 4D features, which are combined to make the resulting effects even more complex and interesting.”