Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to use the Random Picture technique

This method is very similar to the random word technique and many of its working principles are explained in that section, so please read that first if you haven't already. You should also read the section on methods of using a stimulus for new ideas.

The first thing you need for this technique is, fairly obviously, a random picture. This is then used as a prompt to come up with new ideas and solutions. You can get such an image from brainstorming software or you can select it at random yourself from a magazine, encyclopedia or picture book. You can also use a picture from a website (see the Random Website technique).

You should look at the picture, extract a concept or idea from it and use this idea to stimulate a possible solution to your problem. Try to see anything in the picture which reminds you of your problem and how it might be solved. What activities are going on? What situations are being faced? Why are the people doing what they are doing? What principles are being used?

With a picture in front of you, extract an idea from it, or imagine a similar theme/person/action happening within your own situation.

Next think of how you can use that new situation/object/attitude in your own situation. It does not immediately have to be a positive solution but you may later be able to move from it to a good solution.

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